Illinois Nut and Candy didn’t start out to be the largest niche candy retailer in the Midwest. We started like any other business with a plan, a product and a hope for success. It was only as we grew that we found our place in the niche candy market. The past five years have been a process of sweet discovery.
Initially, we were simply conscientious about candy that may contain nuts or even traces of nuts. Any ethical business owner in the food industry has a duty to inform customers about possible allergens. As we worked on growing our brand and accommodating our customers’ needs, we noticed a few things. We noticed that all our kosher candy for Passover is corn and soy-free due to the ritual requirements surrounding the holiday. We also noticed that many of our products fit one type of dietary restriction or another, whether it was casein-free, gluten-free or vegan. We didn’t plan it that way at first. It just happened as we expanded our product line.
The thing that distinguishes us from other candy companies is our dedication to our customers. Once we noticed the trend, we made it easy for people to find products in their particular niche through our retail website. We broke down each niche into easily searchable categories on the sidebar. That way, customers could find whatever they needed to keep life sweet. Since then, we’ve committed ourselves entirely to the pursuit of being the largest niche candy company in the Midwest. It wasn’t entirely planned, but some accidents do have sweet outcomes.